Unbranded Student Intro Course

Ten Minutes to Transforming Your College Search

Picking the wrong college is expensive.

Picking the wrong college for the wrong reasons? Expensive and unnecessary. Choosing a school that's a poor fit can lead to massive loans, low graduation rates, and decreased levels of happiness. But with the right tools, the college search process doesn't have to be daunting. At Unbranded Student, we focus on tools that help widen your search and narrow your results.

Our book and corresponding course teach you how to analyze your strengths, understand your personality, and clarify your passions. We also guide you through the various types of majors and tracks available to you as a college student. Then and only then, we evaluate a number of different schools selected based on your holistic results.

In other words, we want to help you reclaim your college search.

Your Instructor

Ben and Lee
Ben and Lee

Benjamin Roberts

After graduating from New York University in 2006, Ben Roberts didn’t immediately land his dream job. Instead, he spent his days selling cars at a small dealership in Texas after funding for a startup fell through. When that season came to a close, he made a pivot to the world of higher education, where he finally discovered his calling: helping students fulfill their destinies. Ben holds an MBA from Baylor University and lives in Fort Worth, Texas with his wife, Sara, and two children, Moses and Esther. He spends his days championing the success of international students and first-generation high school seniors.

Dr. Lee Brown

Lee Brown serves as Professor of Management to MBA students at Texas Women’s University. A Ph.D. in Business Strategy from the University of Texas, Brown teaches students the art of competitive decision making. His coursework has shown him that students perfectly willing to devote hours to a classroom assignment rarely devote the same attention to their education and career path. In The Unbranded Student, Brown has harnessed the powerful tools used by the marketplace to empower high school and college students in one of the most important decisions of their lives.

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